Pinterest Board

In the first video, I am sharing my Pinterest Board from all the way back in 2015. This is from when I was creating my cute forest animals. I had gotten sidetracked by making art for other people because I was trying to break into the art licensing industry. This became a huge distraction to me as I tried to become someone that I wasn't.

When I created this Style Board, it was a wake up call for me. How could I be so magnetically drawn to a style so different than the art that I was making?

After looking through my Style Board, I made a decision to return to making art that I really loved the process of creating. This led me to create art that was more in alignment with the kind of art that I truly loved!

I am excited to share a few of the students who submitted Pinterest Boards with me. I did my best to analyze these boards and look for patterns that I could see! It's important to look at overall themes.

Sometimes, there are a few different styles on one board because an artist might have multiple style elements that they are drawn to. In these cases, start asking why you like each different painting.

Remember that clarity comes through action. You might not narrow down your style until you start experimenting with each style element.

Leave your Pinterest Boards in the comments and I would be happy to give you feedback!

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