Want to learn how to loosen up in your style? I highly recommend the combination of these three courses to loosen up in your art style. It might not happen overnight, but when you learn to deepen these 3 skills, you will see a big difference in your practice. You want to begin by abstract painting. Deeper Still is the perfect way to start painting abstract, which is always harder than it looks. In Sketches on Scraps, you will learn the importance of having an informal sketching practice. There are several loose exercises that will build your ability to loosen up in your work. Incorporate messy brushstrokes, painting shapes and contour drawing in your every day practice. And finally, I am including my signature course, Crazy Floral Bouquet to round out the trifecta for loosening up. In this course, you will see how working from abstract shapes can help you create loose abstract floral paintings. Building these three aspects in your work, will help you loosen up over time! Just like building a muscle, the more that you use it, the stronger it gets.

The total cost of these three courses combined would equal $234

Grab the three of them now for $120!!!

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